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Professional Development & Job Opportunities


Staff Development and Retention

We aim to create a culture where everyone wants to get better at the particular job they are doing and provide opportunities for staff to grow in responsibility, leadership and expertise. Appraisal is one of the key vehicles to identify personal development for staff so they have ownership of what they want to improve and to provide clear direction for their progression.

We use peer-to-peer support across TAMAT schools as a tool for professional development. This involves colleagues from different schools helping school improvement collaboratively, making use of the latest research, building trust, extending skills and helping each other to get better. The host school identifies what they want fresh eyes to focus upon and visiting colleagues come in to support self-evaluation, ways forward based on research and possible actions for cross-school CPD.

Our many networks provide support and often through common lines of enquiry, this leads to a project that benefits all, e.g. Jane Considine approach to writing, WalkThrus exploring pedagogy. These networks also help to identify the experts to support beyond their schools. Recently, all schools have been part of a MAT focus on the foundation curriculum and subject leader networks help to ensure best practice is shared. Our SENDCo network is a useful resource for sharing expertise across TAMAT, and through 'talent-spotting' we have been able to share staff with specific skills and qualifications across all schools, e.g. dyslexia trained staff and speech and language assistants. Throughout TAMAT there are many talented staff with specific expertise, skills and passion which we aim to grow and share. Our aim is to spot potential and invest in our TAMAT staff so they are able to progress in their careers, but at the same time treat them well enough, so they have job satisfaction, want to stay and help others beyond their own schools. 

Our TAMAT Safeguarding and Inclusion Leaders offer regular training for staff throughout the year. We use shared INSET to provide expertise to support schools with common improvement areas - most recently that has included: Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction, WalkThrus, Leadership for All (Leader in Me based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits), Well-being with Eikon, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) with No Outsiders founder Andrew Moffat.

Our Assessment Network runs termly moderation sessions for teachers, led by Laura Bailey (Statutory Moderation Expert). We also link in with external training opportunities through SAfE and Guildford Diocese.

In addition to TAMAT CPD opportunities, all schools commit to their own staff meetings to support CPD for their unique contexts and needs.

By utilising the wealth of experience and strengths from within our trust we are able to support TAMAT schools and other local schools (through SAfE and the Diocese). We look to create opportunities for individuals to flourish through working and learning with others. Staff are encouraged to join our CPD pathways utilising NPQs, Peer to Peer support, in-house school research and EEF research to be the best they can be.

With a TAMAT-wide focus on pedagogy, all schools are presently utilising WalkThrus in an active research approach to trial, review / adapt and refine best practice, which is then applied in school as well as shared across schools.