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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in our schools is essential for creating an inclusive environment where all students and staff can flourish. Whilst there is still inequality in the world, it is important that our children grow up aware of inequality and are prepared to challenge the status quo. Racism, homophobia, gender stereotypes, limits on opportunities depending on post-code, faith or culture all need to be eradicated.

At TAMAT we aim to create an inclusive culture which benefits everyone and contributes to a positive learning environment. EDI is a TAMAT priority  and one of our key drivers to influence all schools. TAMAT’s mission is crafted around EDI where... Everyone is valued, Nobody is Left Behind and Nobody is Held Back.

To support our commitment to EDI, TAMAT launched its vision with a training day for all staff by Andrew Moffat (author of several books and educational resources, including the No Outsiders programme - an approach to teaching primary school-aged children about diversity and tolerance).  The aim of the day was:

  • To give all staff a shared understanding of EDI.
  • To build confidence in supporting EDI.
  • To understand EDI is everyone’s responsibility.
  • To challenge our unconscious bias.
  • To actively seek to make our schools more inclusive in the work we do.

To ensure we keep informed, TAMAT schools regularly use surveys to capture views from staff, parents and pupils to find out how we are doing. Governors and trustees monitor EDI across all schools and we are confident that the ethos and culture we have created are effective, supported by well-trained staff and school values. We analyse the termly data in core subjects for specific pupil groups' attainment and progress compared to the rest of the school. We also analyse behaviour incidents.

Schools are committed to making sure their curriculums represent all protected characteristics positively. Our TAMAT Strategy aims to raise the profile of EDI through staff EDI Champions and EDI Pupil Ambassadors so  EDI is considered in everything we do. EDI Champions meet together as part of a TAMAT EDI Network to share best practice and as support group led by our TAMAT Inclusion Leader.

EDI is not a one-off action, it is ongoing and therefore under constant review to ensure children and staff flourish.

Further Reading:

The Equality Act 2010 outlines the nine protected characteristics and the public sector duty that schools must adhere to working with staff, parents and pupils. It is unlawful to discriminate against someone on the grounds of any of these characteristics. The protected characteristics are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion and belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Our TAMAT Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy outlines our commitment to promoting equality and addressing discrimination.

Each school manages their unique Accessibility Action Plan which is reviewed every three years to be proactive in removing barriers which may exist now and in the future.

All schools have a clearly defined curriculum which can be viewed via school websites. Schools use weekly PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) lessons as well as assemblies and school values to promote these areas, so children have a good understanding and appreciation of EDI.